Thursday, April 8, 2010

Loose Weight Quick - Successful Weight Loss

The first thing you should do to become a person with a successful weight loss story is to forget about all your past dieting failures. Forget about your fat thighs and fat belly. Forget about the funny looks and stares that you get from people. Forget about all your fast food binges and your bad eating habits. You are now going to change your frame of thinking and wash away all your negative thoughts about your weight.

Next your going to stop trying to be a perfect master "dieter" and trying to do everything perfect. No one, not even me is perfect at losing weight and dieting. Face the fact that your going to make mistakes, and your going to slip up sometime. Your going to miss a workout every now and then. Your going to eat something that's not good for you sometime. None of this will matter because, if and when you do, you will start over and try again, until you get it right and achieve your desired weight.

Next your going to put a back up plan into place for the time you mess up on your dieting. Your going to assume that your weight loss program is going to fail you, and your going to gain more weight. When your dieting program goes bust, your going to feel real guilty and your going to start consuming more calories and your going to hate yourself for it. However your back up plan is going to be ready to implement so you can start to lose weight again and succeed.

Your back up plan could be:

calling friends up for support.

Taking your mind off of losing weight for a week or so.

Indulge in a hobby or something you like to do, such as drawing, or walking, or catch a good movie.

Whatever it may be, as long as your back up plan is organized and ready you will be able to get back on the horse and reach your weight loss goals.

Finally I want you to stop thinking that dieting is horrible, boring, and your missing out on eating all the delicious foods that you want. Matter of fact I want you to completely stop using the word diet all together. You are now going to change your life around for the better. You are now going to live a more healthier, active life. Your completely going to change your way of thinking period.

Losing weight starts in the mind first and foremost!!!

If you can truly believe that your body is able to change it's appearance, it will change! You will and Your going to lose weight!!

Successful weight loss stories

I have reached yet another milestone...40 pounds gone!

I can remember when my weight was 287, but that is now a faded memory... as I now range in the 240's. It's been a long time if you really want to know the truth. The best part is that I really feel good, and I have plenty of energy. There's no stopping me now!!

I haven't felt this good since college, and that was 13 years ago. Once I started working out and eating right, it became a joy to me. Now I don't want to miss a workout, and I'm definitely not going to ever start eating bad foods again. It's now been a year since I parted with fast food. Most of my weight was in my chest and belly and that's been the hardest thing to lose. But I'm shedding slowly but surely. The crunches and leg lifts are really doing the trick. I just have to stay focused and into it.

What I mainly had to do was not look at the program as dieting, but more as a way of life! I'm in this for the long haul, so it's a change of lifestyle.

Another factor in my losing weight is the support and encouragement that I get from friends and family. It's been a blessing to also have someone who can help keep me on the right track. I never thought in a million years that weight loss could be so easy once you commit yourself to a healthier- more active life. Eating junk food at the Superbowl Party no longer effects my weight! Loving it!-- Sean Flora

14.5 pounds lost, 17.25 inches lost and 7.3% body fat is away

At 50 years old I'm quite sure some of you can imagine how hard it is to lose weight. Lord knows I've gained in the last decade or so. I have been in and out of weight watchers for years. There point system works but I just needed more structure! Trying to manage your weight and thinking about it all the time is too stressful and makes you just give up. You never seem to get any consistent weight loss.

I now get my eating plan for the day from the computer, print it out, and post it on my refrigerator. Later I click up my workout and leave it up till I am done. I check off each weight as I do it, or register my time walking, or elliptic. Now I just get up and Do It, and like magic I get results. This is for all those people who say "Tell me what to do and I'll just do it" I don't have to think about what to eat, what exercises to do, how long to keep up my heart rate, or what snacks to have...freedom in submission is bliss!

I tried losing weight my way and it was EXHAUSTING SECOND GUESSING MYSELF! Now I just do what I'm told and IT WORKS. I really like eating more often to lose! So 7 times a day is great!

Weighing in at the end of the week is a great motivator. Including all measurements makes you really want to succeed. Feeling healthy and energetic is the biggest benefit you can get from shedding the excess pounds. I guess in a nut-shell I would say this program is FREEDOM in letting someone else steer the boat! Now I can get on with LIVING because I know I WILL SEE RESULTS, so I can rest and enjoy the ride. – Pat Norwood

You too can have a successful weight loss story just like thousands of other people. Above all, I want you to start believing that you can reduce weight. Don't forget - achieving starts with believing. So no matter how overweight you are, or how unfit you are, I want you to start believing in your ability to get rid of all your excess fat and start over on a brand new life.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Loose Weight Quick - My Battle Against Obesity And How I Won

Are you struggling to loose weight quick? Is your belly bulge making your life miserable? If your looking for the fastest way to get rid of those jelly rolls and pot belly, then you will want to read this stunning article....

Dear Friend

If your thinking about trying the newest and latest diet fads, pills or gimmicks to try and loose weight quick, than I'm glad you stumbled upon my blog. My story will not only remind you of yourself, but it will also save you a lot of time, heartache, money, and most importantly your health.

I will honestly tell you why I had to give up using the so called miracle diet pills and a few of the phony diet programs such as Hollywood Detox Body Wrap...and how I finally started to loose weight the healthy and true way, along with a unique program called Fat Loss 4 Idots.

Click Here To See FatLoss4Idots

My name is Latoya Richardson and like so many teenagers and adults, I spent numerous years trying to lose weight.

I can remember way back at the age of 7 how I became ashamed and self conscious because of being too fat and overweight. It was literally a nightmare going to school and being teased by the other kids everyday. As I got older my weight problem only got worst and so did my mental state. In my teenage years I became very depressed and would tend to isolate myself. Low self esteem began to rule my life.

My Real Battle Against Obesity

As I became more and more depressed and constantly having suicidal thoughts, I found a temporary cure. Binge eating became my emotional pacifier. Whenever I became angry or sad I would always resort to eating. This would calm me down and ease my pain, especially after heated arguments with my mentally abusive boyfriend. With a lack of exercise and poor eating habits I was always tired and I also lost 3 jobs within a 2 year period. Before I knew it I had reached a horrifying weight of 365 pounds.

That's when I knew I had to do something about myself and this situation.

I Tried Hydroxycut Products

After watching numerous hydroxycut commercials and their false promises of huge decreases in body fat, control of appetite, and boost in energy, I bought into the hype. After weeks of using their brand of pills, I did loose some weight. However the side effects were extremely terrible. I would tend to sweat a lot, and have frequent headaches and light-headedness. I would also feel jittery all the time.

One thing that I also noticed was always feeling as though I was high, or under the influence of some sort of illegal substance. What I did was call the manufactures to see how long these side effects would occur. Turned out that I couldn't get a clear answer on that question. I did continue using the pills but it seemed that a bottle of 179$ dollar Fenphedra would not help me lose the amount of weight I was led to believe. So of course you know 1 bottle turned into 10. I was going through hundreds of dollars.

Eventually I had to stop, I could no longer afford it!

I Tried The 2 Day Diet Pills

My depression was an on and off thing, and of course my eating habits always stayed the same when I wasn't using these dietary supplements. So the little weight that I had lost came right back again. I started using 2 day diet pills at 30$ dollars a bottle. The results were good, but I just didn't like the side effects. Dry mouth caused me to drink a lot of water, which gave me stomach cramps. I was also experiencing drowsiness and some diarrhea. My friend who works at a restaurant I frequent on my lunch breaks at work use these pills, but she seems to have no side effects and she looks great. She suggested I use them.

I lost 15 pounds in three weeks, but with all the side effects I just wasn't feeling right. I depleted half my savings, purchasing these pills so I stopped using these too. Of course the weight came back and there's always the depression.

I became so desperate to loose weight quick that I even tried Hollywood Detox Body Wrap. This pure out-n-out SCAM claimed to drain body toxins out through the skin and help you lose 6 inches in 2 hours. I lost nothing using this after 30 minutes. A waist of 40 bucks.

My binge eating had gotten way out of control. My usual suicidal thoughts would torment me on a daily basis.

Click Here To Try FatLoss4Idiots

Finally I Found Something That Works

After trying many different weight loss pills and methods, I came to the conclusion that these were only temporary, dangerous and expensive solutions to my weight problem. One day when I was at my personal doctor getting a physical, she recommended this program called FatLoss4Idiots that she used to loose weight the healthy way. By now I was skeptic of anything having to do with loosing weight due to all my previous failures. However being the sucker I am I gave it a try.

The first thing I noticed about this program was that It focused on changing your eating habits. Not taking dangerous pills or anything... how refreshing. What mainly had me intrigued was how it teaches you to use certain foods to trigger certain chemicals in the brain that actually control weight. I have to honestly say FatLoss4Idoits is truly amazing and unique! After following the program closely for 6 months, I've lost a whopping 53 pounds. Now that might not sound like a lot to many but for me that's an all time record, and guess what?... No Side effects.

One of my main mistakes was trying to lose weight quick. This program made me change my outlook and realize that to loose weight in a healthy and natural way takes time. This turned out to be my biggest fight because, remember now, I would go on these awful binge eating cycles due to my depression. FatLoss4Idiots is based on the person controlling what and how much they eat. For years my eating habits were based on emotion, whenever I was sad or upset... I EAT. So to get the full benefit of this program was a huge mental challenge for me. I am now loosing pounds daily thanks to this program.

Why I Recommend Fat Loss 4 Idots

If your an average overweight person just like I was and struggling with low self esteem, please, please don't give up... there is hope. With the help and advice of my doctor, I was able to mow through my personal dilemma. I have totally changed my life and most of all I am no longer the same person I was. I also got rid of my uncaring and mentally abusive boyfriend.

Anyone that's battling an overweight problem, I truly have to recommend FatLoss4Idots. This program is definitely worth a shot. It's the only one that worked for me.

Here's a few reasons why you should give it a try:

1 - First and foremost it is a natural and safe way to loose weight.

2 - It teaches you how to use food and water as a powerful ally to literally change your body.

3 - No use of dangerous pills and substances.

4 - No experiencing any side effects due to unnatural chemicals.

5 - It encourages daily exercise and activity.

Through this program I learned how to naturally lose weight quick and keep it off. The biggest benefit you will achieve from this program is a new healthy way of life. You will have much more energy and learn to become more active on a daily basis. It's been a long hard struggle for me, but thank god I am now more happier than ever. I can now look at myself in the mirror with a little self respect and pride.

So what are you waiting for... take the most important step of your life and stop living to eat, and learn how to eat to live by giving Fat Loss 4 Idots a try. You will be glad you did.

Good Luck and God bless!

Click Here To Try It!